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Marketing (B.S.Bus.)

Required course work includes the university requirements (see regulation J-3), the college requirements, and:

Bus 324

Buyer Behavior (3 cr)

Bus 421

Marketing Research and Analysis (3 cr)

Bus 428

Marketing Management (3 cr)

One of the following communication courses (3 cr):

Comm 233

Interpersonal Communication (3 cr)

Comm 235

Organizational Communication (3 cr)

Comm 332

Communication and the Small Group (3 cr)

Comm 410

Conflict Management (3 cr)

Tier 1 Marketing Electives: Nine credits of the following courses (9 cr):

Bus 420

Promotional Strategy (3 cr)

Bus 422

Personal Selling and Sales Force Management (3 cr)

Bus 424

Pricing Strategy and Tactics (3 cr)

Bus 425

Retail Distribution Management (3 cr)

Bus 426

Marketing Channels Management (3 cr)

Bus 427

Services Marketing (3 cr)

Bus 429

Vandal Solutions (1-6 cr, max 6)

Bus 482

International Marketing (3 cr)

Bus 495

Product Development and Brand Management (3 cr)

Tier 2 Business Elective: one upper division (300-400 level) CBE, statistics, or mathematics courses, (excluding Bus 301, Bus 311, Bus 321, Bus 350, Bus 370.) (3 cr)

And one of the following emphases/options:

A. General Marketing Emphasis

Research Elective: select a total of three credits from the following courses (3 cr)*:

Math 160

Survey of Calculus or

Math 170

Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (4 cr)

Math 330

Linear Algebra (3 cr)

Math 451

Probability Theory (3 cr)

Stat 401

Statistical Analysis (3 cr)

Stat 422

Sample Survey Methods (3 cr)

Stat 433

Econometrics (3 cr)**

Stat 514

Nonparametric Statistics (3 cr)

Other research methods class as approved by your advisor and the marketing area

Electives to total 128 cr for the degree

*Note: Courses that are used to satisfy the CBE General Core Mathematics requirement may not be used to fulfill the Research Elective.

**Note: Stat 433/Econ 453 Econometrics does not satisfy the Upper Division Economics requirement if used to satisfy the Research Elective.

B. Entrepreneurship Emphasis

Acct 482 or Acct 582

Enterprise Accounting (3 cr)

Bus 414

Entrepreneurship (3 cr)

Bus 415

New Venture Creation (3 cr)

Entrepreneurship Practicum/Internship/Vandal Solutions (3 cr)

Electives to total 128 cr for the degree

C. PGA Golf Management Option

Bus 103

Introduction to PGA Golf Management (2 cr)

Bus 150

PGA Golf Management I (2 cr)

Bus 251

PGA Golf Management II (2 cr)

Bus 298

Internship (2 cr)

Bus 385

PGA Golf Management III (2 cr)

Bus 386

Food & Beverage Hospitality with Lab (4 cr)

Bus 398

Internship (6 cr)

Bus 425

Retail Distribution Management

PlSc 302

Golf and Sports Turf Management (3 cr)

Rec 105

Teaching Golf I (2 cr.)

Rec 205

Teaching Golf II (2 cr)

Rec 305

Teaching Golf III (2 cr)

Research Elective: select a total of three credits from the following courses (3 cr)*:

Math 160

Survey of Calculus or

Math 170

Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (4 cr)

Math 330

Linear Algebra (3 cr)

Math 451

Probability Theory (3 cr)

Stat 401

Statistical Analysis (3 cr)

Stat 422

Sample Survey Methods (3 cr)

Stat 426

SAS Programming (3 cr)

Stat 433

Econometrics (3 cr)**

Stat 514

Nonparametric Statistics (3 cr)

Other research methods class as approved by your advisor and the marketing area

Students must pass the PGA Player Ability Test

Electives to total 136 cr for the degree

*Students must have a 12.0 handicap or better to enter this program. Students must also be a U.S. citizen to be eligible for PGA membership.

**Note: You may not use the courses you took to complete your CBE General Core Mathematics requirement to fulfill the Research Elective.

***Note: Stat 433/Econ 453 Econometrics does not satisfy the Upper Division Economics requirement if used to satisfy your Research Elective.