The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale Questions

Briefly compare/contrast this woman/these women with the other principle female characters we have read about this semester.  What is so radically "modern" about the Wife Of Bath?

How does the Wife feel about sex and how does she justify these feelings -- that is, what, specifically, just she cite as support?

Summarize her first four marriages: at what age did she marry, who and why did she marry, what causes conflicts within the marriages, what changes as she grows older etc.?

Now summarize/analyze her final marriage in contrast to these.  What causes conflict in the marriage and what kind of understanding does the couple reach to resolve the conflict.

How does the knight's punishment -- and the lesson that he learns -- fit the specific crime that he commits?

So, according to The Wife of Bath, what is it women really want?  Do you think this is accurate or true today?

Combining the Wife of Bath's prologue and reading her tale as an allegory -- that is, the supernatural elements are only symbolic and a means of expressing a basic human truth about love and marriage -- what do the Prologue and Tale combine to tell us about how to have a happy marriage?  Do you think this message is accurate?