* open a new program (editor) and paste "est_srs" and "est_strs" macros into the new program and then run just the macros (they will then be ready to use for SRS). Then use separate program for your analysis; data stratexample; input group $ n; do i = 1 to n; input cars @@; output; end; drop i n; cards; downtown 6 1 0 1 2 1 1 suburbs 6 2 5 2 3 2 5 ; run; proc print; run; proc boxplot data=stratexample; plot cars*group; run; data stratinfo; input group $ popsize; cards; downtown 15 suburbs 15 ; run; * Estimates for StRS; %est_strs(sample=stratexample,strata=group,setup=stratinfo,param=mean,response=cars,npop=popsize); * Compare to SRS; %est_srs(sample=stratexample,npop=30,response=cars,param=mean);