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Statistical Programs
College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences
University of Idaho
Seminar Announcement
"Applied Statistics in Agriculture"

Difference Probability Density Functions

Presented By
Dr. Stephen Cooke

Deptartment of Agricultural Economics
University of Idaho

Tuesday, October 11
3:30 P. M.
Ag. Science 62

      Difference probability density functions (pdf) are used in this study to identify the components of, and the sectors primarily responsible for, the wage and industry effects in the U.S. economy. The constant elasticity of substitution (CES) wage and industry indices are a net measure of these effects, which are themselves the sum (in logs) of positive and negative elements. In the process of determining the elements of the wage and industry indices, we can discover the sectors responsible for the positive and negative elements of both the wage and industry effects. We can use this information to tailor an industrial policy by sector in response to forces of productivity and competitive advantage.
     The CES wage and industry indices are based on weighted average wage data that can also be expressed as a normally distributed or Gaussian probability density function (pdf). We argue that since the CES index and pdf use exactly the same wage and employment data, albeit with different weighting schemes, then it is possible to decompose the wage and industry CES indices onto positive and negative elements for each using their respective difference pdfs.

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