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Statistical Programs
College of Agricultural
and Life Sciences
University of Idaho
Seminar Announcement
"Applied Statistics in Agriculture"
What would you prefer: taking a statistics course, or a root canal?

Presented By
Dr. Brian C. Dennis
Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
Department of Statistics
University of Idaho

Tuesday, April 15
3:30 P. M.
Ag. Science 62

      Why is the introductory statistics course universally reviled by college students? W hy are departments of statistics less common than other science departments at research universities? Why do graduate students (not to mention, professors!) in many disciplines confess insecurity, apprehension, and confusion about the statistical analyses in their research? Why do so many university departments try to teach their own statistics courses?
      This presentation is an updated reprise of a talk given last year to the UI Interdisciplinary Colloquium on the unique interdisciplinary role of statistics in university communities. The presentation will offer ample opportunity for discussion of the future of statistics at UI & WSU.
All interested faculty, staff, and graduate students are invited to attend.

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