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Statistical Programs
College of Agriculture University of Idaho
Seminar Announcement
"Applied Statistics in Agriculture"
Demonstration of Player Skill in Video Gambling Games ("10's or Better" on Pot-o-gold Machines)

Presented By
Dr. Allison R. Manson

Division of Statistics
University of Idaho

Tuesday, October 26
3:30 P. M.
Ag. Science 104

      Video gambling games on machines such as the "Pot-O-Gold" machines are a huge money maker for bars and other establishments in states where monetary payoffs are allowed. Most such states have a provision in their laws that require a demonstrable level of player skill be involved in order for a game to be "legal" to the state authorities. The largest net revenue states from video gambling are Nevada, New Jersey, and South Carolina, in that order. Net revenues from video gambling games is nearly two billion dollars a year in South Carolina alone, and the Pot-O-Gold machines account for approximately 75% of this amount. Most of the 15 to 25 games that can be played on the Pot-O-Gold machines are slightly different forms of draw poker. The Federal District Court in South Carolina heard arguments in a case to ban video gambling games in that state last year. The elements of skill available to a player of one of these games (10's or better) are derived and discussed, and methods of demonstrating player skill levels to the court system are presented. Similar methods were used for the games of Blackjack, Keno, Bingo, and Lotto, with the obvious result that some of these games involve no demonstrable skill (except a player's decision not to play the game) and being legally banned from appearing on the video gambling machines.

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