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For Part 4, you have to come up with some Acceptance Test, however we will not cover Testing for several weeks.
Unit tests and Stress Tests are the two we will be doing in this class. For now, focus on Unit tests.
Ensure that your tests are automatable. (Obviously you cannot code the tests yet, but when you do you will be using Unity’s automated testing system.)

A value being in a certain range is automatable, or an object crossing a certain point on the screen.
Controller tests would be hard to automate. (If the user presses the right arrow the player should move right, but how do you automate pressing a button, and how do you define "move right", especially if there is an obstacle in the way?)
Be thinking in terms of boundary conditions in your test cases.
If there is a maximum value for a variable, test setting it to a value just in range, on the boundary and just out of range. (If the out of range case, ensure that the value is adjusted).

The tests should test regular conditions, AND bad inputs as well. Give your function bad inputs and ensure that it handles it gracefully