Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Additional References
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Reference Material
Lecture 7
Reference Material
Lecture 8
Reference Material
Lecture 9
References on CVT
- Textbook by Das, starting with section 3.13
- Sections 6.2 and 6.3 in the Alstom Grid NPAG
- Trench (CCVT vendor) CVT web
Link to GE paper by B. Kasztenny, D. Sharples, V. Asara and M. Pozzuli,
"Distance Relays and Capacitive Voltage Transformers-Balancing Speed and
Transient Overreach," From 53rd Annual Conference for Protective
Relay Engineers-free registration required
Link to IEEE Xplore paper: A. Sweetana, "Transient Response
Charactersitics of Capacitive Potential Devices," IEEE Trans.
on Power Apparatus and Systems. Vol. PAS-90, No 5, pp. 1989-2001,
June 1971. Note, you either need an IEEE/PES Digital Library
subscription or else use the UI subscription (either connect from a UI
IP-address or set up
remote access through the UI Library)
Review: Link to SEL paper "Capacitive Voltage Transformers: Transient
Overreach Concerns and Solutions for Distance Relaying"
(this takes you to SEL web site, free registration required)
Lecture 10
Reference Material
Lecture 11
Reference Material
Lecture 12
Lecture 13
Reference Material
Lecture 14
Lecture 15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Reference material
- See section 13.3 in the textbook
Lecture 18
Reference Material on COMTRADE standard
Lecture 19
Reference Material
Lecture 20
Reference Material
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Reference Material
Link to paper J. Roberts, H.J. Altuve, D. How, "Review of Ground Fault
Protection for Grounded, Ungrounded and Compensated Distribution Systems"
(this takes you
to the SEL web site, free registration may be required)
Link to paper: D. How and N. Fischer, "Deterministic High-Impedance
Fault Detection and Phase Selection on Ungrounded Distribution,"
Presented at 43rd Annual Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical
Conference Edmonton, Canada May 6-11, 2007.
(this takes you to the SEL web site,
free registration may be required)
Link to paper: D. Whitehead and N. Fischer, "Advanced Commercial Power
System Protection Practices Applied to Naval Medium Voltage Power
Systems," IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, July 2005
(this takes you to the
SEL web site, free registration may be required)
Link to paper: R. Lavorin, D. How, H.J. Altuve, N. Fischer, F. Calero,
"Selecting Directional Elements for Impedance-Grounded Distribution Systems,"
Presented at the 34th Annual Western Protective Relay Conference
Spokane, Washington October 16-18, 2007
(this takes you to the SEL web site, free registration
may be required)
Lecture 23
Lecture 24
Reference Material
Lecture 25
Reference Material
Lecture 26
Reference Material
Link to paper: L. Lawhead, R. Hamilton, and J. Horak,
"Three Phase Transformer Winding Configurations and Differential Relay
Compensation" 60th Annual Georgia Tech Protective Relay Conference,
May 2-5, 2016
(this takes you to Basler web site, free registration required)
- Link to:
D.I. Taylor, J.D. Law, B.K. Johnson, and N. Fischer, "Single-Phase
Transformer Inrush Current Reduction Using Prefluxing," IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 27, No. 1, 2012, pp. 245-252
Note, you either need an IEEE/PES Digital Library
subscription or else use the UI subscription (either connect from a UI
IP-address or set up
remote access through the UI Library)
Link to IEEE Standard C37.91: IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers
through IEEEXplore
Note, you either need an IEEE/PES Digital Library
subscription or else use the UI subscription (either connect from a UI
IP-address or set up
remote access through the UI Library)
Link to IEEE Standard C57.12.00: IEEE Standard for General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers through IEEEXplore
Note, you either need an IEEE/PES Digital Library
subscription or else use the UI subscription (either connect from a UI
IP-address or set up
remote access through the UI Library)
Link to paper: B. Kasztenny, M. Thompson, and N. Fischer,
"Fundamentals of Short-Circuit Protection for Transformers"
(this takes you to SEL web site, free registration required)
Lecture 27
Reference Material
Link to paper: S.E. Zocholl, A. Guzman, and D. Hou
"Transformer Modeling as Applied to Differential Protection."
(free registration required)
Link to paper N.T. Stringer, L. Lawhead, T. Wilkerson, J. Biggs and
G. D. Rockefeller, "Testing and Performance of
Transformer Differential Relays" through IEEEXplore.
Note, you either need an IEEE/PES Digital Library
subscription or else use the UI subscription (either connect from a UI
IP-address or set up
remote access through the UI Library)
Link to paper A. Guzman, N. Fischer, and C. Labuschagne,
"Improvements in Transformer Protection and Control"
(this takes you to SEL web site, free registration required)
Link to paper M. Thompson and R. Folkers
"Secure Application of Transformer Differential Relays
for Bus Protection"
(this takes you to SEL web site, free registration required)
The paper is also free on IEEEXplore at:
Note, you either need an IEEE/PES Digital Library
subscription or else use the UI subscription (either connect from a UI
IP-address or set up
remote access through the UI Library)See equation (7) for
the discussion in class on setting breakpoint for dual slope element
Lecture 28
Reference Material
Lecture 29
Reference Material
Lecture 30