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 Seed Potato Pathology Research and Extension

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Ag Talk Tuesday 

Aphid Monitoring 




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Description automatically generatedCurrent Projects


·        Refining an Idaho aphid monitoring network for managing PVY risk

·        Characterizing Fusarium species associated with and refining management of potato dry rot in the Pacific Northwest

·        Identifying fungicide resistance in Fusarium sambucinum and other species that cause potato dry rot

·        A network of spore samplers as an early warning detection system for foliar potato pathogens

·        Assessing the Potato Virus Y reservoir in Idaho – in volunteer potato, current-season crop, cull piles, and weeds

·        Evaluating utility of mineral oil plus insecticide regimens in reducing in-season movement of PVY for seed potato growers

·        Utility of planting variable-sized whole tubers in seed potato production – using European belt-style planters

·        Understanding importance of late-season movement of PVY in Idaho

Our on-going Extension Demonstration Trials

Contact us if you would like to test or demonstrate a product in our annual demonstration trials or in a separate experimental trial of your design. Our east Idaho high desert conditions, with warm days, cool nights, and overhead irrigation, can add another location to your data-collection needs.

·        Fusarium-inoculated trial (inoculated seed pieces)

·        Rhizoctonia-inoculated trial (inoculated soil, endemic tuber-borne)

·        Plant Health trial (non-inoculated, to evaluate biologicals and foliar nutrition supplements)

·        Biopesticides – influence on PVY incidence in daughter tubers


Extension Outreach

·        Ag Talk Tuesdays

§  Registration, information and schedule

§  Recordings – on the UofI YouTube Channel

·        Ag Talk Report – a periodic newsletter

·        Seed Potato Research Advisory Group annual meeting – email Kasia Duellman if you wish to be a member

·        Idaho Potato Conference

·        Fusarium dry rot – pathogen diversity in the Pacific Northwest (PDF)


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University of Idaho - Moscow, ID 83844 - 1-888-884-3246
Send comments and suggestions to
Kasia Duellman