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 Seed Potato Pathology Research and Extension

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Aphid Monitoring 





Our people 




Kasia Duellman, Plant Pathologist & Extension Seed Potato Specialist

Melinda Lent, Research Associate and Lab Manager (full-time staff)

Lindsey McKinney, Research Specialist (full-time staff)

Jewelia Hawker, Intern

Hailie Oldham, Intern

Emily Cook, student hourly


A group of people in a field

Description automatically generated A couple of people working in a field

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Former Team Members:

Sarah Beauchamp (née Clark), Undergraduate Intern

Melissa Bertram, Research Specialist

Wesley Bills, Research Specialist

Jacob Bunch, Undergraduate Intern

Sierra Campbell, Summer hourly

Christy Christian, PhD (2023)

Jane Christensen, Summer hourly

Orion Drummond, Undergraduate intern

Mike Griffin, Undergraduate intern

Caitlyn Harman, Undergraduate Intern

Sarah Holt, Summer hourly

Grayden Jardine, Undergraduate Intern

Leann Johnston, Summer hourly

Elyce Kinzer, Undergraduate summer hourly

Cong Liu, Laboratory Technician

Katelyn Motley, Field Intern

Jill Randall, Field Aide

Iyssia Raymond, Undergraduate Intern

Kathryn Richardson, Undergraduate intern

Cheryl Romero, Laboratory Technician

Jessica Sharp, Summer hourly

Rachel Telford, Undergraduate hourly

Tenika Trevino, Field Aide

Brooklyn Wise, Summer hourly

Sydney Woolstenhulme, Summer hourly



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University of Idaho - Moscow, ID 83844 - 1-888-884-3246
Send comments and suggestions to
Kasia Duellman