Pre-Class Preparation
Spring 2025 / Fall 2024
In-Class Activity
S1 (JEB 331)
S2 (JEB 321)
S3 (GJ 115)
(All other locations highlighted)
Post-Class Assignment
Due the next class day unless otherwise noted:
- HW due on a
Tuesday is due BEFORE
- HW due on a
Thursday is due by 10 PM
Day 1: Jan 9 / Aug 20
Meet in JEB & GJ
- HW1
1a: Student Survey
1b: Quick Reference Log
1c: Skills Self-Assessment
HW1a & 1b
- Turn in physical copy in class at the start of Day 2.
HW1c - Perform a
Self-Assessment of your pre-course Engineering Graphics
Skills. Select the option to email yourself a copy so you
can compare your progress at the end of the semester.
Day 2: Jan 14 / Aug 22 (Canvas Quiz)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
Intro to SolidWorks (3 min)
Manipulation (2 min)
- VIDEOS: MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
1 - Starting a Sketch on a
Plane or Face
3 - Lines and Centerlines
Remember: to access the
CSWA videos, you must log into your
MySolidWorks account and search for the "CSWA Exam Prep Course"
(for possible use on Quiz)
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Submit HW1 (on paper at the start of class)
- Quiz 1
- Debrief quiz
- Useful References
Keys and Mouse
Buttons (2 min)
- Demos
- Basic Sketching (PDF)
- View Manipulation (PDF)
- Lab
- VIDEO Supplements
- HW2 - Lesson 1: Parts
Assignment checksheet
Complete a thoughtful tutorial log on SW Tutorial Lesson 1: Parts.
Additionally, include at least 5-6
visually-descriptive screen captures of the creation process for the
part you made in Lesson 1, and provide meaningful captions (1-2
sentences) to explain the content of each image. Make your pages
organized and use an appropriate number of images per page (i.e.,
readable and not wasteful).
Upload completed assignment to the shared folder you
received from your instructor called "01_Submitted".
HW2_FirstName LastName
Day 3: Jan 16 / Aug 27 (Canvas Quiz)
Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Submit HW 2 (by 10pm)
- Quiz 2
- Debrief quiz
- HW Tips
Tech Writing Exercise
- Suggested Answer Set (Canvas)
- HW3 Checksheet Review
- Pre-CAD Planning
- Lab
- VIDEO Supplements
Note: Day 4 and Day 5 Room Changes and requirements for items to
- Include a sketch of your I-beam that shows all sketch
relations and dimensions. This should be fully defined.
- Include a snip that shows your part information in the
summary tab (author, assignment number in keywords field,
assignment notes in comments field).
- Extrude your I-beam to a 3-inch section. Experiment
with different material properties. Include a snip of your
extruded part along with an annotated design tree.
- Use SolidWorks to compute the mass, volume, center of
mass, and moment of inertia about two different axes.
Include a snip of the results.
- Identify and describe in concise detail
the two most important things you learned about SolidWorks
through this assignment.
- Make sure the assignment checksheet is included as the
cover page for your assignment.
Day 4: Jan 21 / Aug 29
(Canvas Quiz on your phone/tablet/laptop)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
TO CLASS: 1) a straight-edge, 2)
a pencil, 3) a compass, and 4)
a copy of the
Your work product will lose points without them.
Meet in Vandal Ballroom
- Submit HW3
- Quiz 3
- Debrief quiz
- Props:
- Pre-CAD vs. Technical Drawing
- Timing within project
- Quality of drawings
- Pre-CAD sketching tips
- Identify order of feature creation steps (bulleted
- Identify a sketch plane
- Sketch 2D profile
- Explain briefly the 3D feature
- Repeat for each major feature
- Pre-CAD sketching
- HW4 - Technical Drawing Workshop
Finish sheets from technical drawing workshop,
identify, describe, and illustrate
three hand sketching principles or techniques that you may have
struggled with but which added significant value to your finished
product in this assignment.
Refer to the assignment checksheet in completing your work and make sure
it is submitted as your assignment cover page. The mentors will use
these in grading your work on each assignment.
Day 5:
Jan 23 / Sep 3
(Canvas Quiz on your phone/tablet/laptop)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
Introduction to Drawings (.wmv)
Note: we'll use the template shown in the Block
Table Drawing Package rather than the one in the video (more on Day 7);
and we'll typically make individual part and assembly drawings rather
than combining them in one SolidWorks file (notice the sheets in the
Block Table Drawing Package are all "Sheet 1 of 1" -- they were merged
as pdf's).
Block Table Drawing Package
(for possible use on Quiz)
TO CLASS: 1) a straight-edge, 2)
a pencil, and 3) a compass.
Meet in TBD
- Submit HW4
- Quiz 4
- Debrief quiz
- Checksheet Grading
- Props:
- Design layout/sketching tips
- Select an appropriate front view
- Place on paper allowing for possible top and side
views (using 3rd angle projection which is the US
drawing standard)
- Specify origin & axes
- Use construction lines
to get placement and scale correct on paper
- If needed, show center locations and centerlines
- Deploy line weights
(for contrast)
- Enhance with labeled dimensions
- Sketching exercise
- Create standard and isometric view
(time permitting) to accurately represent the complex
part you receive.
- Rule #1: no tracing
- Sketch peer review/discussion
- HW5 - Pre-CAD and Technical Drawings
Assignment checksheet
- Select an object that
requires at least 3 primary features (such
as a water bottle,
stapler or table).
- Create a pre-CAD plan
including a chronological list of all
feature and 2D sketch details for the
primary features.
- You may want to review
the 2D/3D Tools
Reference to see what type of features can be
created in solidworks
- Create a
dimensioned drawing
that includes standard views and an
- Use the
ME Dept. Drawing Template with grid.
- Apply best practices
learned in class.
- Follow the assignment
Don't forget to include the checksheet as
your cover page.
Day 6: Jan 28 / Sep 5 (Canvas Quiz)
Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Quiz 5
- Debrief quiz
- Demo: Setting up Template filepaths in SolidWorks (pdf)
- ME drawing templates (zip)
- Supplemental video resources below.
- HW6 Examples
- Initials Assignment (tips)
- Pre-CAD Plan w/pencil & paper
- Refer to pre-CAD template (Day 2)
- Define origin/x-y-z axes/units
- Specify dimensions
(try to minimize)
- Specify relations
(to parameterize solution)
- Apply reference geometry
- Consider using patterns
- Fully define SW sketch
- Customize your extrusion
- Create a drawing using the ME drawing template (zip).
(Example drawing package available on Day 3)
- Capture lessons learned
- VIDEO Supplements
HW6 - Initials
Assignment checksheet
Have your current pre-CAD progress available for
review during the next class (Jan 30).
Final version HW6 (Parts A-C) due Day 9 (Sep 17 )
You will receive scores for each:
HW6 (Part A) - your pre-CAD planning
(including sketch plane, origin, key constraints, and
creation steps),
HW6 (Part B) - your SW process
documentation, and
HW6 (Part C) - your final products (fully
defined SW sketch w/minimum dimensions, solid model, and
engineering drawing).
Refer to the
packet for best dimensioning practices in dimensioning your
engineering drawing.
Use the initials assignment checksheet (page 1 of
the Assignment Checksheet link above) as your assignment
cover page. Be sure to clearly address each item in your
A pdf scan of your pre-CAD plan (Part 6a) and a doc/docx of
your checksheet (w/ your name) is due in your "01_Submitted"
folder before class on Tuesday Day 7 (1/30)
Day 7: Jan 30 / Sep 10 (no quiz)
Submit HW6A (1st submission) to your "01_Submitted" folder.
- Name your file HW6A_Firstname_Lastname
- You will resubmit this (or an improved revision) in your
final HW6 submission.
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Lab
- Pre-CAD grading and feedback
Day 8: Feb 4 / Sep 12 (Canvas Quiz)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
work-in-progress on the initials assignment (including electronic SW
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Quiz 6
- Debrief quiz
- Demo: SW Drawings
- Lab
- VIDEO Supplements
(Note: these videos are still using the old ME templates)
HW6 (parts a-c)
Feb 6 (Day 9)
Due next class:
Due later (optional):
Day 9: Feb 6 / Sep 17 (Canvas Quiz)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Submit Initials
assignment (Parts 6a-6c)
- Quiz 7
- Debrief quiz
- Props:
Fastener Block
- Demo: Hole Wizard (PDF,
- Lab
- Use the Hole Wizard to create the part defined in
the engineering drawing given in HW7 (see third column
for requirements)
- VIDEO Supplements
NOTE: for above and beyond points, include the minimum
number of section
views to showcase the interior cross section of all 6 holes.
Day 10:
Feb 11
/ Sep 19 (Canvas Quiz)
Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
- MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
33 - Editing Parts
37 - Part Configurations
(for possible use on Quiz)
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Submit Hole Wizard assignment
by 10pm
- Quiz 8
- Debrief quiz
- Recall HW Tips
- Demo: Lofting (pdf)
Demo part files:
- Lab
Create a customized tool that utilizes at least one loft and at
least one sweep.
You may either:
- modify the result
of the Loft and Sweep tutorial from class,
- create something new (such as another poker, a pigtail steak flipper, or
a chipping hammer).
Your finished model should utilize customized
surface appearances, reference planes,
and an expanded as well as annotated (i.e., renamed)
design tree.
Be sure to use the ME drawing template found in the zip file on Mindworks
Day 6. Fill in important linked cells of the title block (DESCRIPTION,
REV) by
editing the part's "File Properties" Summary tab (Author) and
tab (Material, Description, Revision).
Fill in linked cells of the revisions table (DRAWN
BY, CHECKED BY, DATE). Variable names are case-sensitive.
Your engineering drawing of your
tool should show at least 3 key dimensions.
Day 11: Feb 13 / Sep 24 (Handout
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
Meet in TBD
- Quiz 9
- Debrief quiz
- Props:
- Lab
- Lab Resources
Day 12: Feb 18 / Sep 26 (Canvas Quiz)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
- MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
21 - Linear Pattern
22 - Circular Pattern
(for possible use on Quiz)
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Submit Loft and Sweep
assignment by 10pm
- Quiz 10
- Debrief quiz
- Lab
- Work on revolve and pattern features assignment
- VIDEO Supplements
Day 13: Feb 20 / Oct 1 (Canvas Quiz)
Study Material for
(review resources below)
- MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
36 - Global Variables & Eqns
39 - Part Design Tables
(for possible use on Quiz)
Bring questions about the Revolve and Pattern Features
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Quiz 11
- Debrief Quiz
- Demo: Global Variables (PDF)
- Lab
SW Tutorial - Design Tables
(Demonstrate to Mentor for points)
- Design Table
.sldprt file
- Consulting on Revolve and Pattern Assignment
- Day 14 Recommendation: bring colored writing instruments:
- (e.g., highlighters/pencils/pens)
Day 14:
Feb 25 / Oct 3 (no quiz) |
Meet in TBD
Submit Revolve and Pattern assignment by 10pm
Fall 2024 Part Mini-Project
- Pre-CAD Tips
- (Recommended but Optional) Start your
Pre-CAD directly on the 11x17 drawing
handout provided in class.
Day 15: Feb 27 / Oct 8 (no quiz)
- Bring your design layout sketch and your pre-CAD plan
- Bring your electronic model
- Bring any questions you have
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Part Mini-Project Consulting
Day 16: Mar 4 / Oct 10 (no quiz)
- Bring your electronic model
- Bring your latest part drawing
- Bring your latest project documentation
- Bring any questions you have
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Recent Part Mini-Project
- Other Past Examples
MP1 Part Mini-Project
Mar 6 (Day 17) |
Day 17: Mar 6 / Oct 15 (Canvas Quiz)
Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Submit Part
- Quiz 12
- Debrief Quiz
- Props:
- Lab
- SW Tutorial - Assembly Mates (1 hr)
Part Files (in case you can't find
them via the tutorial)
- Begin Stirling Engine Project
- VIDEO Supplements
MP2 - Stirling Engine Mini-Project
Assignment checksheet
Due Mar 27 (Day 21)
Preliminary check due in class
Day 18.
Mar 10-14: Spring Break |
No Class (Spring Only) |
18: Mar 18 / Oct 17 (Canvas Quiz)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
- MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
28 - Move & Rotate Components
(for possible use on Quiz)
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Interference Detection on Stirling Engine Assembly
- Assembly Drawing Exploded Views (pdf)
TA/Instructor initial work-in-progress checks
VIDEO Supplements
Assembly Drawings (5 min)
Video Revision Note: We now prefer
making separate drawing files for each part and assembly
and then combining pdfs into a drawing package.
Day 19: Mar 20 / Oct 22 (Canvas Quiz)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
Bring your Stirling Engine model to class. Be prepared to show your
file structure on the junior drive.
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Quiz 14
- Debrief Quiz
- Props:
Stirling Engines
- VIDEO Supplements
- Consulting on Stirling Engine Project
Day 20:
Mar 25 / Oct 24 (Handout Quiz)
Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)
- SW Tutorial
Animation (~30 min)
(8 min)
Rendering (4 min)
- For rendering on campus computers (quiz content): start video
from 3:41
- For rendering on personal computers: start video from 0:00
(for possible use on Quiz)
Bring your Stirling Engine model and engineering drawings to
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Quiz 15
- Debrief Quiz
- Drawing Tips
- Demo:
- Rendering Examples/Tools/Tips
- Tool: SolidWorks Visualize (separate program)
- Go to Add-Ins "Solidworks Visualize"
- Use "Export" to launch
- Adjust render settings (appearances/scene/camera)
- Animation Tips
- Consulting on Stirling Engine
Stirling Engine Mini-Project
Due Mar 27 (Day 21) |
Day 21:
Mar 27 / Oct 29 |
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Submit Stirling Engine Mini-Project
Before Class
- FEA Simulation Tutorial
Part files for HW10:
Welded Corner
Day 22: Apr 1 / Oct 31 |
Meet in TBD
Submit FEA Simulation Basics by 10pm
Final Project Expectations
- Team Assignments
- Team Tasks
- Identify Project Manager (Person who maintains work assignments on
- Select creative team name
- Make Preliminary part modeling assignments
- Identify subassemblies
- Inventory parts by subassembly
- assign at least 2 per person
Due on Shared Drive by Next Class
- Spreadsheet with preliminary assignments for members
(examples from past teams)
Example spreadsheet 1
Example spreadsheet 2
- Team folder on shared drive (shared with team, course mentors,
and instructor)
- 10-15% of assigned parts modeled by each team member stored on shared
drive, ready to show in class
Day 23:
Apr 3 / Nov 5 |
Meet in JEB & GJ
Engine Resources:
- 4-Stroke Engines
- Steam Engines
Project Resources:
- Custom Parts
- Purchased Parts (downloadable files)
- Shared drive review
- Spreadsheet review
- Q/A on Legacy Drawings
- Modify part assignments based on new insights on part complexity
after initial part modeling.
- Project Work & Consulting
Due on Shared Drive by Next Class
- Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
- 25% of parts modeled with part properties assigned
Day 24:
Apr 8 / Nov 7 |
Meet in JEB & GJ
- CSWA Modeling Challenge 1
- Shared drive review
- Spreadsheet review
- Q/A on Legacy Drawings
- Q/A on Part Models
- Team Dynamic Check
- Demo:
- Edit drawing template
- Save drawing template
- Recall:
- Project Work & Consulting
Due on Shared Drive by Next Class
- Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
- 50% of parts modeled with part properties assigned
- Sub-assemblies identified
- Establish team drawing template
Day 25:
Apr 10 / Nov 12 |
Meet in JEB & GJ
- CSWA Modeling Challenge 2
- HW11 Expectations
- CSWA planning
- exam info
- week/day(s) preference poll
- F24 New parts and 3D sketching Demo
- Shared drive review
- Spreadsheet review
- Q/A on Part Models
- Discussion of sub-assemblies and key interfaces with
mating components
- Project Work & Consulting
Assignment checksheet
(Bring rough draft hard copy to next class)
(Final draft Due 4/17, Day 27)
EACH MEMBER of the team needs to submit one
non-trivial mechanical drawing of one of their parts using the ME template
with a customized title block adopted by your team.
Guidelines for Your Team's Mechanical Drawings
Graded Drawing Examples
Due on Shared Drive by Next Class
- Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work
- 100% of parts modeled with part properties assigned
- 50% parts assembled
Day 26: Apr 15 / Nov 14 |
Meet in JEB & GJ
Peer-review of HW11 (bring hardcopy of your drawing for markup)
- Shared drive review
- Spreadsheet review
- Review of assemblies
- Q/A on Deliverables
- Project Work & Consulting
Due on Shared Drive by Next Class:
- Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work
- 100% parts assembled
- 25-50% of part and assembly drawings complete
- Prepare for
Shared drive review
(w/project recorders)
Day 27: Apr 17 / Nov 19 |
Meet in JEB & GJ
Submit HW11 by
CSWA Modeling Challenge 3
- Reminders:
- Mid-Project Shared drive review
- Review of assemblies
- Project Work & Consulting
Due on Shared Drive by Next Class
- Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
- 75% of part and assembly drawings complete
- Initial rendering and animation work
Day 28: Apr 22 / Nov 21 |
Meet in JEB & GJ
CSWA Modeling Challenge 4
- Reminder:
- CSWA Exam Signup Poll (70-85% pass rate for ME
290 students)
- Review of drawings
- Project Work & Consulting
Due on Shared Drive by Next Class
Nov 25-29: Thanksgiving Break |
No Class |
Day 29:
Apr 24 / Dec 3
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Review of drawings
- Organization/contents of digital
- Project Work & Consulting
Assemble Project Binder
(Sp) Day 30-31: Apr 29 & May 1
(Fall) Day 30: Dec 5
Meet in JEB & GJ
- Review of project portfolios
- Project Work & Consulting
Due in class on
(Sp Day 31)
(Fall Day 30)
- Individually Complete
Post-Course Self-Assessment of Engineering Graphics Skills
Recall: if you selected the option to email yourself a copy
of your Pre-Course Evaluation, you can look back at where you were at
the start of the semester for comparison. -
Individually Complete
Team Citizenship Form - Final File Organization on
Shared Drive (spreadsheet, part/assembly/drawings files,
PDF of entire package portfolio folder w/renders & animations) -
Final Portfolio
- Organized folders
- All SolidWorks files
- "Portfolio" folder
Render and Animation work can be updated until
midnight Sunday (5/4)