Dr. Ray von Wandruszka
1. "Determination of p-Aminobenzoic Acid by Room-Temperature Solid Surface Phosphorimetry," R.M.A. von Wandruszka and R.J. Hurtubise, Anal. Chem., 48, 1784 (1976).
2. "Room-Temperature Phosphorescence of Folic Acid, p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid and Benzocaine", R.M.A. von Wandruszka and R.J. Hurtubise, Anal. Chim. Acta, 93, 331 (1977).
3. "Room-Temperature Phosphorescence of Compounds Adsorbed on Sodium Acetate", R.M.A. von Wandruszka and R.J. Hurtubise, Anal. Chem., 49, 2164 (1977).
4. "A Fluorescence Polarization Study of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Adsorbed on Colloidal Kaolin," R.M.A. von Wandruszka and S. Brantley, Anal. Lett., 12, 1111 (1979).
5. "The Role of Iron in Pecan Kernel Color", R.M.A. von Wandruszka, C.A. Smith, and S. Kays, Food Sci Tech, 13, 38 (1980).
6. "Computer-Controlled Liquid Chromatographic System that Includes a UV-Visible Scanning Spectrometer and a Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectrometer", L Carreira, L. Rogers, L. Goss, G. Martin, R. Irwin, R. von Wandruszka, and D. Berkowitz, Chem. Biomed. Environ. Inst., 10, 249 (1980).
7. "Producer Gas From a Charcoal Gas Producer", R.M.A. von Wandruszka and M. Adams, Energy Environ., May/June 1981, 9-13.
8. "Computer-Controlled Repetitive Sweep Voltammetry", R.M.A. von Wandruszka and M. Maraschin, Anal. Lett., 14(A7), 463-478 (1981).
9. "A Computer-Controlled System for Instruction in Voltammetry and Amperometric Titrations", R. von Wandruszka, J. Chem. Ed., 59(9), 761 (1982).
10. "The Effect of pH on the Kinetics of Iron Release from Human Transferrin", D.A. Baldwin, D.M.R. de Sousa, and R.M.A. von Wandruszka, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 719, 140 (1982).
11. "A Computerized System for Chronoamperometry on Microsecond Timescale", R. von Wandruszka, S. Afr. J. Chem., 35(4),121(1982).
12. "Chronoamperometric Studies of the Electrical Double Layer", R. von Wandruszka, S. Afr. J. Chem., 36, 73 (1983).
13. "Instrumentation for High-Resolution 500 kHz Chronoamperometry", R. von Wandruszka, Anal. Instr., 13, 2 (1984).
14. "Corrosion Measurements by Potential-Step Chronoamperometry," R. von Wandruszka, S.W. Orchard, and A. Greeff, Talanta, 32(4), 307 (1985).
15. "Inexpensive Instrument for Programmed Multiple Development in Thin-Layer Chromatography", R. von Wandruszka and F. Gottschalk, Rev. Sci Instr., 7(1), 119 (1986).
16. "A Single-Board Computer-Controlled Potentiostat", R. von Wandruszka and F. Gottschalk, S. Afr. J. Chem., 39,131-133 (1986).
17. "Essential Oils of South African Eucalypts", T.T. Ndou and R. von Wandruszka, S. Afr. J. Chem., 39, 95-100 (1986).
18. "Fluorescence Studies on Human Serum Transferrin", D.A. Baldwin, T. Egan, and R. von Wandruszka, S. Afr. J. Chem., 39, 197-200 (1986).
19. "Fluorescence in Thin Liquid Films", R. von Wandruszka and J. D. Winefordner, Talanta, 33, 871-874 (1986).
20. "Fluorescence in Thin Liquid Films: A Simple Model", R. von Wandruszka and J.D. Winefordner, Talanta, 34, 571-573 (1987).
21. "Essential Oils of Eucalypts," R. von Wandruszka, Bulletin 20 S. Afr. Chem. Found. (September 1987).
22. "Fluorescence Drainage Profiles of Thin Liquid Films", R. von Wandruszka and J.D. Winefordner, Talanta, 35(3), 221-225 (1988).
23. "Quenching of Pyrene Fluorescence in Premicellar Solutions", T.T. Ndou and R. von Wandruszka, Anal. Lett., 21(11), 2091-2105 (1988).
24. "Time Resolved, Constant Energy Phosphorimetry", J. Laserna, M. Mignardi, R. von Wandruszka, and J. Winefordner, Appl. Spectroscopy, 42(6), 1112 (1988).
25. "Energy Transfer in Benzalkonium Chloride Micelles", T.T. Ndou and R. von Wandruszka, Talanta, 36(4), 485 (1989).
26. "Micellar Sensitization of BDHC/Pyrene and Triton X-405/Naphthacene Systems", T.T. Ndou and R. von Wandruszka, Anal. Lett., 22, 1997 (1989).
27. "Energy Transfer in Mixed Micelles of Triton X-405 and Brij 35", T.T. Ndou and R. von Wandruszka, Photochem. Photobiol., 50, 547 (1989).
28. "Effects of Concentration and Temperature on Faradaic Transients", S.O. Arhunmwunde and R. von Wandruszka, Anal. Chim. Acta, 226, 337 (1989).
29. "Determination of Pentachlorophenol and l-Naphthol by Peroxyoxalate Chemiluminescence", J. Chimeno and R. von Wandruszka, AnaL Lett., 22, 2059 (1989).
30. "Pyrene Fluorescence in Premicellar Solutions: The Effects of Solvents and Temperature," T.T. Ndou and R. von Wandruszka, J. Luminescence, 46, 33 (1990).
31. "Fluorescence Characteristics of Difenzoquat", R. von Wandruszka, M. Puchalski, and M. Morra, Spectrochim. Acta, 46, 1313 (1990).
32. "Fluorescence Quenching and Polarization Studies of Naphthalene and 1-Naphthol Interaction with Humic Acid", M. Morra, M. Corapciloglu, R. von Wandruszka, D. Marshall, and K. Tupper, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 54,1283 (1990).
33. "Precapacitive Processes in Single Potential Step Chronoamperometry", Y. Xiang and R. von Wandruszka, Talanta, 38, 189 (1991).
34. "Determination of Phenolic Herbicides in Soil by Peroxyoxalate Chemiluminescence", M.A. Abubaker, and R. von Wandruszka, Anal. Lett., 24, 93 (1991).
35. "Nucleation in Premicellar Aggregation", C.P. Loran and P. von Wandruszka, Talanta, 38, 497 (1991).
36. "Assessment of Corrections for the Inner Filter Effect in Fluorimetry", M.M. Puchalski, M.J. Morra, and R. von Wandruszka, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 340, 341 (1991).
37. "Production of Flourescent Quartz Fibers for an Optical Sensor", D.E. Hurum, R. von Wandruszka, and A.E. Grey, Anal. Lett., 24, 905 (1991).
38. "Electrochemical Preconcentration", R. von Wandruszka, Chapter 10 in Preconcentration Techniques for Trace Elements, Z. Alfassi, C. Wai, Eds., CRC Press, 1991, 133-179.
39. "Acrylamide Quenching of Fluorescence in Micellar Environments," C.P. Loran and R. von Wandruszka, Anal. Chim. Acta, 258, 335 (1992).
40. "Fluorescence Quenching of Synthetic Organic Compounds by Humic Materials", M.M. Puchalski, M.J. Morra, and R. von Wandruszka, Environ. Sci. Tech., 26, 1787 (1992).
41. "A New Fluorescent Cholesterol Derivative: Structure and Blood Plasma Analysis," M.A. Abubaker and R. von Wandruszka, Photochem. Photobiol., 56(2), 163 (1992).
42. "Luminescence of Micellar Solutions", R. von Wandruszka, Review in Critical reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 23(3), 187 (1992).
43. "Detection Device for High Explosives," A. Grey, J. Partin, M. Stone, and R. von Wandruszka, U.S. Patent No. 5157261, 10/20/1992.
44. "Determination of Sulfur Species by Cathodic Square Wave Voltammetry; Compounds Relevant to Natural Sulfur Mineralization", R. von Wandruszka, Y. Xiang, and M. Morra, Talanta, 40, 37 (1993).
45. "Fluorescence Sensitization of Aqueous Terbium and Europium Ions Without Aromatic Donors or Synergistic Agents", M. Amin Abubaker, K. Harrington, and R. von Wandruszka, Anal. Lett., 26, 1681 (1993).
46. "Trace Element Analysis by Electrochemical Methods", R. von Wandruszka, Chapter in "Determination of Trace Elements", Z. Alfassi, Ed., VCH, 1994, 393-424.
47. "Determination of Steroids in Urine by Micellar HPLC with Detection by Sensitized Terbium Fluorescence", M. Amin Abubaker, Katharine Harrington, and Ray von Wandruszka, Anal. Chem., 65, 2346 (1993).
48. "Micro-Organization of Dissolved Humic Acids", Regginal R. Engebretson and Ray von Wandruszka, Environ. Sci. Tech., 28, 1934 (1994).
49. "Decontamination of Oil-Polluted Soil by Cloud Point Extraction", Gabor Komaromy-Hiller and Ray von Wandruszka, Talanta, 42, 83-88 (1995).
50. "The Clouding of Nonionic Detergents: Energy Transfer to a Solubilized Probe", Gabor Komaromy-Hiller and Ray von Wandruszka, J. Phys. Chem., 99, 1436 (1995).
51. "Anisotropy Changes of a Fluorescent Probe During the Micellar Growth and Clouding of a Nonionic Detergent", Gabor Komaromy-Hiller and Ray von Wandruszka, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 177, 156 (1996) .
52. "A Quantitative Approach to Humic Acid Associations", Regginal R. Engebretson, Tammy Amos, and Ray von Wandruszka, Environ. Sci. Tech., 30, 990 (1996).
53. "Changes in Polarity and Aggregation Number upon Clouding of a Nonionic Detergent: Effect of Ionic Surfactants and Sodium Chloride", Gabor Komaromy-Hiller, Naomi Calkins, and Ray von Wandruszka, Langmuir, 12, 916 (1996).
54. "Fluorimetric Measurements of Aggregation and Clouding in Nonionic Detergents", R, von Wandruszka and G. Komaromy-Hiller, American Laboratory, Aug. 1996, p. 52.
55. "The Sequestration of Hydrophobic Micropollutants by Dissolved Humic Acids", C. Ragle, R. Engebretson, and R. von Wandruszka, Soil Sci., 162, 106 (1997).
56. "The Role of Selected Cations in the Formation of Pseudomicelles in Aqueous Humic Acid", R. von Wandruszka, C. Ragle, and R. Engebretson, Talanta, 44, 805-809 (1997).
57. "Surfactant Fluorescence in the Study of Aggregation and Clouding", M. McCarroll and R. von Wandruszka, J. Fluorescence, 7, 185-193 (1997).
58. "The Effect of Molecular Size on Humic Acid Associations", R. Engebretson and R. von Wandruszka, Org. Geochem., 26, 759-767 (1997).
59. "Immobilization of Aqueous Pyrene by Dissolved Humic Acid", L.M. Yates, R.R. Engebretson, T.M. Haakenson and R. von Wandruszka, Anal. Chim. Acta, 356, 295-300 (1997).
60. "Kinetic Aspects of Cation Enhanced Aggregation in Aqueous Humic Acids", R. Engebretson, and R. von Wandruszka, Environ. Sci. Technol., 32, 488-493 (1998).
61. "Evaluation of Humic Acid Fractions by Fluorimetry and 13C NMR Spectroscopy", R. von Wandruszka, T. Haakenson, and K. Toerne, Spectrochim. Acta (Part A), 54, 671-675 (1998).
62. "Micellar Fluidity and Preclouding in Mixed Surfactant Solutions", M. McCarroll, K. Toerne, and R. von Wandruszka, Langmuir, 14, 2965-2969 (1998).
63. "Decontamination of DDT-Polluted Soil by Soil Washing/Cloud Point Extraction", Evgenij Evdokimov and Ray von Wandruszka, Anal. Lett., 31(13), 2289-2298 (1998).
64. "Preclouding in Mixed Micellar Solutions", M. McCarroll, K. Toerne, and R. von Wandruszka, Langmuir, 14(21), 6096-6100 (1998).
65. "The Micellar Model of Humic Acid: Evidence from Pyrene Fluorescence Measurements", Ray von Wandruszka, Soil Sci., 163(12), 921-930 (1998).
66. "Characterization of humic acid size fractions by SEC and MALS", Ray von Wandruszka, Martin Schimpf, Michael Hill, and Regginal Engebretson, Org. Geochem., (30)4, 229-235 (1999).
67. "Decontamination of Polluted Water by Treatment with a Granular Leonardite Blend", Leland M. Yates and Ray von Wandruszka, Environ. Sci. Technol., 33, 2076-2080 (1999).
68. "Functional group analysis of Suwannee River fulvic acid with reactive fluorescent probes", L.M. Yates and R. von Wandruszka, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 364, 746-748 (1999).
69. "Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropies in mixed surfactant solutions", M.E. McCarroll, A.G. Joly, Z. Wang, D.M. Friedrich, and R. von Wandruszka, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 218, 260-264 (1999).
70. "Humic acid pseudomicelles in dilute aqueous solution: fluorescence and surface tension measurements", R. von Wandruszka, R.R. Engebretson, and L.M. Yates III, In Understanding Humic Substances: Advanced Methods, Properties, and Applications, Proceedings of Humic Acid Seminar III, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, March 1999, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, pp. 79-85 (1999).
71. "Effects of humic acid purification procedures on its interaction with hydrophobic organic matter", R. Engebretson and R. von Wandruszka, Environ. Sci. Technol., 33, 4299-4303 (1999).
72. "Effects of pH and metals on the surface tension of aqueous humic materials", L.M. Yates and R. von Wandruszka, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J., 63(6), 1645-1649 (1999).
73. "Fluctuating clouding behavior in mixed micellar solutions", K. Toerne. R. Rogers, and R. von Wandruszka, Langmuir, 16, 2141-2144 (2000).
74. "Humic Acids: Their Detergent Qualities and Potential Uses in Pollution Remediation", Ray von Wandruszka, Geochem Trans., 2 (2000).
75. "The Kinetics of Humic Acid Associations", R. von Wandruszka and R. Engebretson, in "Proceedings of the Anaheim Symposium on Humic Substances and Transport Processes", International Humic Substances Society, St. Paul, MN, 2000.
76. "A comparison of aggregation behavior in aqueous humic acids", Christi Young and Ray von Wandruszka, Geochem. Trans., 2 (2001).
77. "Thermal stability of nonionic surfactant aggregates", K. Toerne. R. Rogers, and R. von Wandruszka, Langmuir, 17, 6119-6121 (2001).
78. "Dynamic light scattering measurements of particle size development in aqueous humic materials", Noel Palmer and Ray von Wandruszka, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 371, 951-954 (2001).
79. "Conductometric characterization of dissolved humic materials", Jeremy Riggle and Ray von Wandruszka, Talanta., 57, 519 - 526 (2002).
80. "Removal of zinc and trichloroethylene from water by column extraction with a crude humic acid", R. von Wandruszka and J.D. Newell, Environ. Progress, 21, 209-214 (2002).
81. "The influence of temperature induced aggregation on energy transfer from a surfactant to a micellized probe", K. Toerne. and R. von Wandruszka, Langmuir, 18, 7349-7353 (2002).
82. "POE Chain Length Selectivity in the Clouding of a Triton Surfactant", K. Toerne, R. Rogers, and R. von Wandruszka, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 257(2), 412-414 (2003).
83. "Dynamic Conductivity Measurements in Humic and Fulvic Acid Solutions", J. Riggle and R. von Wandruszka, Talanta, 62(1), 103-108 (2004).
84. "Binding of Inorganic Phosphate to Dissolved Metal Humates, J. Riggle and R. von Wandruszka, Talanta, 66(2), 372-375 (2005).
85. "Reduction of Arsenates by Humic Materials", Noel E. Palmer, John H. Freudenthal, and Ray von Wandruszka, Environ. Chem., 3, 131-136 (2006).
86. "Phosphorus Retention in Calcareous Soils and the Effect of Organic Matter on its Mobility", Ray von Wandruszka, Geochem. Trans., 7, 6 (2006).
87. "Preparation of Ultrafine Chalcopyrite Nanoparticles via the Photochemical Decomposition of Molecular Single-Source Precursors", Justin J. Nairn, Pamela J. Shapiro, Mark Williams, Brendan Twamley, Tyler Pounds, Chongmin Wang, Ray von Wandruszka, Rick Fletcher, and M. Grant Norton, Nano Lett., 6(6), 1218-1223 (2006).
88. "Reduction of Arsenates by Humic Materials", Noel E. Palmer and Ray von Wandruszka, in Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Ed. F. Frimmel and G. Abbt-Braun, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2006, pp. 165-168.
89. "Complexation of Tb(III) with size fractions of Leonardite humic acid: evidence from luminescence sensitization and anisotropy measurements, Jeremy Riggle and Ray von Wandruszka, Environ. Chem., 4, 204-209 (2007).
90. "31P-NMR peak width in humate-phosphate complexes", Jeremy Riggle and Ray von Wandruszka, Talanta, 73, 953-958 (2007).
91. "The stability of U(VI) complexes of humates and fulvates in biphasic systems", Jeremy Riggle and Ray von Wandruszka, Ann. Environ. Sci., 2, 1-6 (2008).
92. "The influence of aggregation on the redox chemistry of humic substances", Noel Palmer and Ray von Wandruszka, Environ. Chem., 6, 178-184 (2009).
93. "Adsorbents for the removal of cadmium, arsenic, and lead from contaminated waters", Sai Yadanaparthi, David Graybill, and Ray von Wandruszka, J. Haz. Mat., 171.1-15 (2009).
94. "The clouding of an anionic surfactant in acidic solution: mechanistic and analytical implications", Joey Charboneau and Ray von Wandruszka, J. Surfact. Deterg., 13(3), 281-286 (2010).
95. "Humic acids as reducing agents: the involvement of quinoid entities in arsenate reduction", Noel Palmer and Ray von Wandruszka, Environ. Sci. Poll. Res., 17, 1362-1370 (2010).
96. "Analysis of materials recovered from an archaeological excavation at Sandpoint, Idaho", Michael Spinner. Adeline Lustig, Mark Warner, and Ray von Wandruszka, J. Idaho Acad. Sci., 47, 29-53 (2011).
97. "Radical stabilization in dissolved humates", Barbora Bakajova and Ray von Wandruszka, Open J. Phys. Chem., 1(3), 55-60 (2011).
98. "Determination of caffeine in coffee: an inexpensive experiment for high school and college laboratories", Kirsten Canady and Ray von Wandruszka, The Chem. Educator, 17, 80 (2012).
99. “Chemical analysis of gunpowder recovered in an archaeological excavation at Sandpoint, Idaho”, Alicia Freeman, Mark Warner, Margaret Clark, Ray von Wandruszka, Idaho Archaeologist, 35(1), 1-5 (2012).
100. “Construction and evaluation of a fluorescent sensor for the detection of high explosives”, Ray von Wandruszka, Matthew Pollard, Michael Spinner, Anal. Lett., 46, 266-274 (2013).
101. “The effects of conformational changes on the native fluorescence of aqueous humic materials”, Leah Shaffer and Ray von Wandruszka, Am. Chem. Sci. J., 4(3), 326-336 (2014).
102. “The physico-chemical properties and biostimulative activities of humic substances regenerated from lignite”, Jan David, Daniela Smejkalová, Sárka Hudecová, Oldrich Zmeskal, Ray von Wandruszka, Tomás Gregor, and Jirí Kucerík, SpringerPlus, [doi:10.1186/2193-1801-3-156], 3 (156), (2014).
103. "Temperature induced aggregation and clouding in humic acid solutions", Leah Shaffer and Ray von Wandruszka, Adv. Environ. Chem., vol 2015, ID 543614, 6 pp (2015).
104. “Stone Drugs And Calamine Lotion: Chemical Analysis Of Residue In 19th Century Glass Bottles, Market Street Chinatown, San Jose, California”, Barbara L. Voss, Ray von Wandruszka, Alicia Fink, Tara Summer, Elizabeth Harman, Anton Shapovalov, Megan S. Kane, Marguerite De Loney, and Nathan Acebo, Calif. Archaeology, 7(1), 93-118 (2015).
“Deceptive Content – Unexpected Materials in Historical Bottles”, Ray
von Wandruszka, Mark Warner, Tara Summer, Elizabeth Harman, and Sidney
Hunter, Tech. Briefs Hist. Arch., 2015, 9: 25-33.
106. "Chemical Analysis of Pharmaceutical Materials Recovered from a Historical Dump in Nampa, Idaho", Ray von Wandruszka, David Valentine, Mark Warner, Vaughn Kimball, Tara Summer, Alicia Fink, and Sidney Hunter, J. Northwest Anthropology, 50(2). 212-217 (2016)
“A Practical Approach to the Chemical Analysis of Historical
Materials”, Ray von Wandruszka and Mark Warner, Historical
Archaeology, 52(4), 741-752 (2018).
108. “Recognizing and Analyzing Chinese Stone Drugs”, Ray von
Wandruszka and Mark Warner, Historical Archaeology,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s41636-021-00306-3 (2021).
“Very Interesting Artifacts – Chemical Analysis in Historical
Archaeology”, Nikaila Price, Emily Hodgman-Richter, and Ray von
Wandruszka, Proceedings of Northwest Anthropology Conference 2021, J
Northwest Anthropology, Special Publicastion #5, 71-85 (2021).