Faculty in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry at the University of Idaho

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Ray von Wandruszka

Dr. Cheng(Ph.D. Penn State, 1988) teaches electrochemistry, Chem 558, Chem 409, and Chem 454 (Instrumental Analysis). His research interests lie in the fields of elctrode materials, electrochemical sensors, batteries, and environmental remediation.

Analytical/Environmental Chemistry

Frank Cheng

Dr. von Wandruszka (Ph.D. Wyoming, 1977) teaches Chem 535 (Electronics for Scientists, Chem 418/518 (Environmental Chemistry) and Chem 551 (Electronic Spectrometry). His research interests lie in the fields of humic materials, surfactants, and the chemical analysis of archaeological artifacts.
email: rvw@uidaho.edu

Analytical/Environmental Chemistry
Professor and Chair of Chemistry Department