My principal research is presently centered on important applications of the Critical Philosophy and the new science of the phenomenon of mind, which I call "mental physics." One major aspect of this research is the important contribution made to it by epistemology-centered metaphysics.
My main focus right now is on the application of the principles of mental physics to transform the social sciences into social-natural sciences capable of achieving causative explanations which are par with the physical-natural sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, and their derivative sciences. Important results have been obtained for social contract theory, the theory of leadership, social-natural psychology, social-natural sociology and the social-natural science of education. For my publications click the link to the technical documents below.
I also do research involving mathematical and computer modeling of physical systems with applications to computational neuroscience, biological signal processing, and cognitive computing systems.
Brief Curriculum Vita
The Critical Philosophy and the Phenomenon of Mind
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anonymous. Please send them to Richard Wells at
Publicly Available Technical Documents . . . . . (What's New)
Link to: Evolutionary Training of a Biologically Realistic Spino-neuronmuscular System