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  1. Web Resources

  2. Useful Websites for Continued Learning

  3. This page contains links and descriptions for useful websites to continue the learning process started on July 12-14 at the Alaska EPSCoR Workshop in the UAA Ancorage, AK.
    EIB Room 309

  1. Unity Documentation

  2. API and General Reference

  3. Use all the time. Useful for reminders, discovery, casual reading material on the lou…

  1. Dot Net Pearls

  2. C# Scripting Reference

  3. Provides an overview of several basic and advanced C# scripting conventions.

  1. MSDN

  2. C# Scripting Reference

  3. The core reference for .NET and C# information. Can be difficult to understand if new to scripting, but increadibly thorough.

    Note: Look for "Get Started Developing with Visual Studio" on this site. There is a "Make Games with Unity" section which has some useful information/samples/tutorials

  1. Stack Overflow

  2. Scripting Community

  3. Great community for finding similar issues and joint problem solving.

  1. Unity Tip

  2. General Reference

  3. Useful tips for development in Unity, worth a bookmark.

  1. Glen Stevens' Best Practices

  2. General Reference

  3. Some helpful best practices to keep Unity projects manageable. Some of the information may be dated or subject to your group's management preferences

  1. Hacker Rank

  2. Scripting Practice

  3. Scripting/Coding challenges to help develop vocabulary & problem solving skills with various languages including C#

    Note: Requires free signup