/* Comments*/ * comments are useful to make notes to yourself in the program editor.; * comments won't be run but don't show up in the output window but rather the log window; *comments can be used to try running a portion of code without a particular statement; * The DATA step: ; data work.example1; input car1 var2 var3; cards; 5 2 3 10 5 2 ; run; proc print data=example1; run; * here I could comment out the PROC PRINT so it doesn't run; * another way to read the data with a different statement; * I used CARDS before and now will use DATALINES. Both work; * here I will also omit the library name (it was WORK before -- it still is WORK); data example1; input car1 var2 var3; datalines; 5 2 3 10 5 2 ; run; *proc print data=example1; *run; * I commented out the PROC PRINT since it was already ran;