UI Math Club




Pi Mu Epsilon - Idaho Alpha (UI) Chapter


Every semester, the Department of Mathematics at University of Idaho is organizing a Math Club, where fun activities related to mathematics take place in a relaxed and stress-free atmosphere. Every student and faculty member is invited to attend and participate, regardless of major/field of study. We are able to meet on average three times per semester; good student academic performance and fulfilling faculty job responsibilities are still the priority of every member of the UI community.

For all the meetings, FREE pizza and soft drinks are provided by the Math Department. Various prizes (such as the mug in the picture above) and other treats for different competitions and events held by the Math Club are also provided by the Department of Mathematics.

Math Club and Pi Mu Epsilon, with the help of the Math Department, are organizing the annual "Pi Day". Click this link for more information and past such events.

For contact and more information send a message to mathstat@uidaho.edu.

The Math Club is on Discord at https://discord.gg/RRcMYYDuCk (this link should work).


Fall 2024


·         Thursday, October 31, 2024: SCARY MATH PARADOXES! (poster)

4:30pm-5:30pm in BEL 205

·         Tuesday, September 24, 2024: MATHEMATICAL SCAVENGER HUNT! (poster)

3:30pm-5:00pm in ED 443

For math club events of previous years, please see here.

COMMITTEE for 2023-2024

Student Leadership: Miguel Meza.

Faculty Advisors: Ben Ridenhour, Somantika Data, Manuel Welhan, Stefan Tohaneanu, Mark Nielsen