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 Seed Potato Pathology Research and Extension

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Welcome to the Extension Seed Potato Program

The U of I Extension Seed Potato team is committed to conducting research and extension outreach to further the goals of producing quality seed potatoes and to serve both the seed and commercial potato growers. To achieve our goals, we focus on successful collaboration with colleagues across the state, region, and nation.

Our research spans the following objectives:

1.    Potato virus management, focusing on PVY

2.    Management of other tuber-borne diseases, focusing on bacterial ring rot, Fusarium dry rot, and Rhizoctonia diseases

3.    Pathogen identification and potato disease management

4.    Optimal practices for seed potato production in the field

Our extension programming objectives include development and dissemination of information on disease management and variety-specific optimal agronomic practices.

Contact us:

Extension Seed Potato Team

University of Idaho – Idaho Falls REC

1776 Science Center Drive, TAB Suite 205

Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402

Tel: 208-529-8376

Email: Kasia Duellman


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Kasia Duellman